DiscoverFuture Lab AfricaThe BlackStar Enterprise [Explicit]
The BlackStar Enterprise [Explicit]

The BlackStar Enterprise [Explicit]

Update: 2018-11-16


Episode Notes:

1921 Rare Recording of Marcus Garvey

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Explanation of the Objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association is a studio recording made by African-American leader Marcus Garvey in New York in July 1921, and adapted from his longer speech “A Membership Appeal from Marcus Garvey to the Negro Citizens of New York

The Story of Marcus Garvey

The Black Star Line (BSL) was a steamship corporation established in 1919 by Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey, the leader of the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). The name, inspired by a British luxury steamship line called the White Star Line, was applied to a highly ambitious and ultimately mismanaged corporation. Similarly to the UNIA’s Negro Factories Corporation, the BSL was part of a larger effort on the part of Garvey to encourage black self-determination and economic independence. Garvey saw that blacks across the globe were largely being exploited and left out of the global economy. The BSL would partly remedy that situation by facilitating the shipment of goods amongst the far-flung people of the African Diaspora, thereby fostering the growth of a self-reliant and resilient global black economy.  The BSL would also transport emigrants to Africa for the establishment of a black nation-state.

A Documentary Film

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Garvey started to solicit funds for the Black Star Line from UNIA members at meetings in 1919 and soon raised enough money to establish the corporation. BSL shares sold for $5 which allowed blacks of modest means to own a piece of the UNIA’s largest economic venture.  Between 1919 and 1920 alone the UNIA raised $800,000 and in the same year purchased the BSL’s first ship, the Yarmouth, a thirty year old vessel last used in World War I as a freighter. By the time the BSL took possession of the vessel in New York City, New York, it was beset by a number of unfixed repairs and as was later learned, by attempted sabotage by crew members.  Two more ships, the Shadyside and Kanawha were purchased later and had problems similar to those of the Yarmouth. The Shadyside was used to ferry passengers up and down the Hudson River, but eventually sank after a seam broke in an ice storm. The Kanawha was plagued by numerous mechanical issues and staff misconduct.

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The Black Star Line ships were sometimes used to transport people and make largely symbolic port visits to cities in Latin America in celebration of black self-determination, business ownership, and economic potential. The ships visited various ports in PanamaJamaicaCosta RicaCuba, and other countries.  No BSL vessel ever reached Africa. 

Although the Black Star Line had numerous vocal critics and skeptics, the steamship corporation for a short time served as a powerful recruiting tool for the UNIA. Ultimately, however the BSL led to the downfall of the Universal Negro Improvement Association.  Besides the mismanagement of the line by Garvey associates who had no background or training in steamship company management, the newly formed Bureau of Investigation (later the Federal Bureau of Investigation) under J. Edgar Hoover, sent a black agent to infiltrate the UNIA to find evidence to undermine the Garvey movement.  In 1922, Garvey was arrested on mail fraud charges for selling stock in a ship that had not yet been purchased for the Black Star Line.  He was convicted in 1923 and after appeals, imprisoned in 1925.  He was then pardoned by President Calvin Coolidge and deported to his home country of Jamaica in 1927.


Roland Eniclerico, “Black Star Line,” Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present: From the Age of Segregation to the Twenty-first Century, Paul Finkelman, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008); Tony Martin, Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976); Ramla Bandele, “Understanding African Diaspora Political Activism: The Rise and Fall of the Black Star Line,” Journal of Black Studies 40.4 (2010): 745-761; Jeffrey D. Howison, “Let Us Guide Our Own Destiny”: Rethinking the History of the Black Star Line,” Review: A Journal of The Fernand Braudel Center 28.1 (2005): 29-49.


Foster, Hannah

University of Washington, Seattle

Featured Artist

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Wishful Thinking [Explicit]

Mikel Ameen
From the Album My B.B.C (Season 1) [Explicit]
October 7, 2016
Musical Poet

Mikel Ameen’s approach to topics in his music is unconventional and fearlessly tackles current affairs with raw-honesty a touch of humour, irony and often controversy. Sonically, Mikel Ameen fuses all aspects of his culture and upbringing spanning London’s Hip-Hop/Grime music, the dancehall rhythms of the Caribbean and the fierce drums of Africa.

Mikel’s passion and respect for music production and performance pays homage to late global entertainment forefathers such as Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Tupac, Fela Kuti and even Walt Disney – their collective influence can be heard in his music.

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120 Minutes

The BlackStar Enterprise [Explicit]

The BlackStar Enterprise [Explicit]

Future Lab Africa